I’ve always been creative, whether that was teaching myself how to sew as a 4 year old (mainly to prove my mom wrong), coming up with creative excuses for why I needed to leave 5th period early, or into my undergrad and graduate school doing theater and sculpture. As I became a mom and starting working in the church and recovery space, much of my time to be creative started to disappear or shifted form. My creativity started to be centered around creative uses for ground turkey, creative excuses as to why my kids were late to school (again) or creative ways to engage groups of women and men in their recovery. That was how it was for years, or how it was in the “before times”…

Like many people, for me, 2020 was a dumpster fire. I found myself trapped inside of my house with idle hands, an anxious heart and questioning if I had showered this week or not. Through the days that felt like weeks and weeks that felt like days I began to see that I needed an outlet. I needed something to keep my hands and mind busy, to feed my soul, I needed to create.

Elise Daniels has been a safe space for me that reminds me that I’m more than a my life stage or occupation. I’m someone who can make something beautiful out of a block of raw material. Not only that, I can help people to feel confident to take on the day or go to that event while wearing the perfect pair of earrings.

When you buy my earrings, just know that you are supporting a lady who wears many hats, mostly to cover the fact that she hasn’t washed her hair.